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Image by Mohamed Nohassi


Embracing the Seasons: Image


Do you hear yourself saying any of the following?


  • I have this project I am excited about but I'm afraid I won't have enough..(time, energy, resources, etc).

  • I know I have a lot to offer but find myself holding back for some reason.

  • Using the following phrases frequently: I can't, I should, I dream about...but it's not realistic.

  • I am craving something and chocolate just isn't cutting it!!

Do you ever feel any variation of the following?


  • I feel disconnected.

  • I feel like I’m missing something big, something important.

  • I feel a desire for more creativity, play, joy in my life.

  • Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong..

  • I am on empty, nothing left to give, and I don't know where the next refill station is! I'm stuck!

  • I feel a deep connection to nature that I want to continue exploring.

  • I feel so much has changed. I don't want to go back to the way things were.

When you see yourself do you resonate with any variation of the following?


  • I don't recognize myself.

  • Laughter makes my soul happy. I want to see more laughter in my life.

  • When I am near water I see myself relax and the world looks different.

  • I can see what I want to create but I keep hitting an invisible wall that keeps me from creating.

  • When I look deep into my own eyes it feels like an invitation to something Big. But what?

  • What is my authentic self? What does that even mean? What does "authentic" look like for me?

Embracing the Seasons: Testimonials


What is possible by doing this work?

This is what I believe: Anything is possible.
Possibilities are endless. 
Having said that, it would be a disservice for me to tell you what results to expect because transformation is very personal and dependent on many factors. If we release our expectations we create the space to be surprised by what is revealed. And what is revealed can be more perfect than what we thought possible.

Embracing the Seasons: Image
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What I can absolutely tell you is what I bring to every session:

  • I meet you where you are in life, witness the potential that you carry and facilitate changes that you create to support your goals.


  • I show up fully for you so that you can be seen and heard in general and about the things that matter the most to you no matter how difficult or strange you might believe them to be. 


  • I embrace the importance of sharing sacred space and connection while embodying the truth that although you never walk alone, you are the only one with the power to change you. 

Embracing the Seasons: Image
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